Card readers
Plastic cards operate as the convenient instrument of user identification and access control. They are widely used in payment, information and discount systems. Among the most widely used types of cards are magnetic and chip cards.

Magtek MT-215
For application in projects our company offers several models, starting from inexpensive and functionally simple magnetic card readers Magtek mini, Magtek MT-215, magnetic and chip card readers Magtek IntelliStripe 65, and finishing by highly reliable mechanized magnetic and chip card readers Magtek IntelliStripe 320, Omron V2BF-01JS, Sankyo ICT approved for application by leading payment systems. In addition our company offers solutions for work with specially designated noncontact cards Milfare, used in projects “Muscovite’s Social Card” and in other comparable projects.

Magtek IntelliStripe 320
Besides the described card readers installation of other types of devices is available.