SFOUR PayBox - The system of payment
SFOUR’s payment solution is designated for payments reception in favor of many types of recipients (network providers, internet providers, utilities etc.) through the use of payment terminals directly after terminal receipt.
The solution allows to collect commission during payment reception and to offer the range of additional services covered by customers (requiring payment ads, mobile content selling etc.).
Payment reception system SFOUR PayBox offers the following options:
- Payment reception in favor of third-party recipients (three kinds of operations are defined: check of added parameters, payment conduction, and payment operation status reception)
- Commission setting in absolute percentage for each recipient
- The system of deferred payments (deferred payments delivery in cases of network failures)
- Recipients division into groups
- Flexible options of interface design set-up
- Capability of new payment services execution (PayBox Alternative system)
- Minimal/maximum payment setting for each recipient (automatic blocking of the first banknote of a lesser nominal)
- Capability of low-capacity link channels usage (GPRS, CDMA)
- Capability of utilizing of cash acceptors models (CashCode SM, CashCode MFL, GPT Aurora, JCM EBA-003)
- Flexible options of parameters setting (data fields, lists, digit keyboard, literal keyboard, entry masks)