SFOUR - Sensory Systems for Successful Solutions
SFOUR - Sensory Systems for Successful Solutions
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Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, 8, офис а13
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Seminar for the banks' development of networks of self-bank clients on the basis of payment terminals, planning, implementation and upgrading

As part of the effective implementation of self-awareness company ESFOR held a workshop on planning, implementation and development of networks of customers, based on self-awareness and payment terminals. At this time, a seminar was held in St. Petersburg. The seminar was prepared with the view of the growing interest of banks to develop their own networks of self, the active market of payment cards, payment, and the emergence of new services for its customers. Workshop prepared for the leaders and specialists of profile of banks. Among the issues that are addressed at the seminar: A brief overview of foreign and domestic experience with the application of self. Terminal network in the context of the commercial policy of the bank as a platform for the creation and distribution services. Review template solutions, advantages and problems of implementation. Solutions for customer service on the basis of information kiosks. Software and hardware solutions of modern computer networks for the implementation of various forms of service. Experience in the implementation of solutions based on self-terminal to the Russian banks

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