An automatic full cycle cash register SFOUR successfully operates in the Makita-Online store

The SFOUR company has successfully implemented a project of introduction of the full-cycle automatic cash register in the Makita-Online store of electric tools. 'Makita-Online' is involved in sales of a wide range of electrical and gasoline tools and the accessories.
To automate cash-desk operations the managements of Makita-Online decided to install an automatic cash register from SFOUR .
The SFOUR specialists offered the automatic cash register based on the Bionica kiosk. The selection of this model was stipulated by wide options of procurement and big capacity of the terminal. The automatic cash-desk Bionica accepts cash and bank cards; also, by means of the terminal change is implemented in bank notes and coins, issue if receipts and closing documents. SFOUR performed delivery, installation and adjustment of the automatic cash-desk.
Installation of the automatic cash-desk allowed to solve 2 tasks: full self-contained operation with payments without participation of the cashiers of the store, as well as expedient issue of closing documents and the receipts. Besides, the management of Makita-Online noted that installation of the automatic cash-desk SFOUR Bionica allowed to fully minimize errors of the cashiers, provided continuous operation of the cash-desk, reduce queues of customers and improve their loyalty.
Ask the SFOUR specialists how to automate your business. Please call!